Le Tuesday, October 13, 2020 - l'eclozr

Meetup : MS Graph API & Graph toolkit / Code legacy / Quantum Computing


Dès 18h30, au programme trois talks de 20 à 30 minutes : 🎤 Précision au préalable : Tous les talks seront en français :-) - Introduction to Microsoft Graph API et Graph toolkit (20 min) - présenté par Olivier Leplus Microsoft Graph provides a unified programmability model that you can use to build apps that interact with the data of millions of users. You can use the Microsoft Graph REST APIs to access data in Azure Active Directory, Office 365 services, Enterprise Mobility and Security services, Windows 10 services, Dynamics 365, and more. We will explore what you can do with the Microsoft Graph. We will then see how, with just a few lines of codes, you can create a web app connected to the Graph API using the Microsoft Graph Toolkit and it’s collection of web components. - Reprendre le contrôle de son code legacy avec classe (20 min) - présenté par Alexandre Ignjatovic Tout développeur s’est déjà retrouvé fait à une code base qui contient du code legacy incompréhensible. Dans ce talk, je vous partagerais toutes mes astuces et outils (github/scientist & https://github.com/doctolib/dl_experiment, etc) pour reprendre le contrôle sur un bout de code qu’on ne comprend plus. Déjà donné aux Human Talks Paris: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HndEmsMJ8ZI - Introduction to Quantum Computing (30 min) - présenté par Vivien Londe Quantum Computing is a new way of storing and processing information where the notion of a bit itself has to be modified. After explaining what qubits (quantum bits) are and why this concept must be introduced, we will investigate the quantum phase estimation algorithm. Despite its simplicity, quantum phase estimation is the building block of many quantum applications and we will leverage it to illustrate some key Quantum Computing concepts. We will also show the corresponding Q# quantum program and run it on a simulator.